The Power of Prayer: A Six-Week Transformative Journey

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Welcome to The Power of Prayer, an extraordinary six-week digital course designed to deepen your connection with the Divine and awaken your true potential. Led by Rev. Carlton Teabout and an illustrious team of Master Teachers—Akili Beckwith, ALSP, Rev. Deborah L. Johnson, Rev. Suzi Lula, Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell, Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova, and Rev. Victoria Thomas—this course will guide you through Agape’s unique Six-Step Affirmative Prayer process based on the foundational teachings of Michael B. Beckwith.

Why Take The Power of Prayer?

In a world brimming with change, do you feel truly heard? Amidst the tides of transformation, wouldn't it be empowering to anchor into something that sustains your sense of Self? We all seek to be heard, felt, and seen. Despite the constancy of change, there is a way to feel held, protected, and safe.

The Power of Prayer course offers you this possibility. Through prayer, as Rev. Michael teaches, you can awaken to your Oneness with the Divine, establishing a direct channel to the Heart-Mind of Spirit. Prayer is not merely a practice, it’s an experience, a healing activation, and a restoration to your rightful awareness of who you are and your relationship with God.

"Prayer is touching Reality without seeking to get anything."

                   Rev. Michael B. Beckwith

Course Overview

Over six transformative weeks, you will:

  • Establish a Love Affair with Prayer: Transform your understanding of prayer from “begging and beseeching” a reluctant deity to aligning with the Truth who you are.
  • Develop Key Elements of Prayer: Gain a working knowledge of the Agape Six-Step Affirmative Prayer Process, its feeling tone, and the principle that makes it effective.
  • Find Your Unique Prayer Voice: Learn to pray in an empowering way that resonates with your soul.
  • Learn from Esteemed Teachers: Each week, a different Master Teacher will impart their wisdom and consciousness on spiritual practice and prayer.

Weekly Agenda

Week 1: Gratitude with Rev. Victoria Thomas

      Discover how a feeling tone of gratitude opens the doors to your heart.

Week 2: Recognition with Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova

     Evoke and explore the Presence of God in all of Its splendor.

Week 3: Unification with Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell

     Deepen your awareness of our Oneness with God and all creation.

Week 4: Realization with Rev. Deborah L. Johnson

     Name and claim Universal Principles that heal by revealing the perfection of Truth.

Week 5: Thanksgiving with Akili Beckwith, ALSP

     Celebrate and give thanks for the Truth that reveals Itself through the word.

Week 6: Release with Rev. Suzi Lula

     Understand the power of letting go, letting God, and realizing it’s already done.

Course Details

  •    Start Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

  •    Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Pacific Time

  •    Duration: 6 weeks, ending July 16, 2024

  •    Format: Live online classes
       (recordings are available for those who cannot attend the live sessions)

  •    Required Text: Prayer  by Ernest Holmes

What You Will Gain

Redefining Prayer:

Challenge conventional notions of prayer and explore it as a transformative technology.

The Agape Way:

Learn to pray from your heart with freedom and the awareness that the answer lies within you.

The Technology of Intention:

Align your intentions with the vibration of your desires.

Live Practice:

Engage in breakout sessions to practice and apply what you've learned in a loving and supportive environment.

Manifestation Practices:

Use prayer to manifest abundance and prosperity in your life.

Deep Understanding:

Gain a profound understanding of the Six-Step Affirmative Prayer process.

Practical Techniques:

Integrate prayer practices and Life Visioning™ exercises into your daily life.

Community Connection:

Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on a spiritual journey.

Join Us

Whether you are new to prayer or have an established practice, this course will deepen your relationship with the Divine through prayer. Register today to learn to pray the Agape way and unlock the full potential of your spiritual journey!

Register Now

Embrace the power of prayer. Discover the peace, joy, and love that await you!
Register today and start your journey on June 11, 2024.

Meet the Instructors

Founder and Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community based in Los  Angeles.
Widely recognized for his teachings on the  science of inner transformation and unity, Dr. Beckwith embraces a practical  approach to spirituality utilizing meditation, affirmative prayer, and Life Visioning TM, a spiritual technology he developed for conscious evolution, authentic living, and  living your life purpose.
Dr. Beckwith is a sought-after meditation teacher, conference speaker, and seminar leader on the Life Visioning Process.

Rev. Michael B. Beckwith

Founder & CEO,
Agape International Spiritual Center

Long time student and teacher of Ageless Truth Principles. An Agape Practitioner for more than 25 years. He has taught classes at Agape University on Meditation and Self-Mastery and is an avid student and facilitator of A Course in Miracles spiritual study groups in the Los Angeles area. Akili leads pilgrimages to various parts of the world, including Kemet (known today as Egypt), Peru, and parts of West Africa.  His embodiment of the Spiritual Truth Principles has endeared him to many students, clients, and others.  He is a man who has never met a stranger because he sees the Divine Presence in all.

Akili Beckwith

Master practitioner

Founder of Inner Light Ministries, a network of transformative visionaries headquartered in Santa Cruz, California, celebrating 25 years. Rev Deborah, is a founding member of the Agape International Spiritual Center, and she also serves with Rev. Michael B. Beckwith on the Leadership Council of the Association for Global New Thought.
Author of The Sacred Yes and Your Deepest Intent and she is in the prelaunch phase of Unleashing Our Future, a new non-profit serving as an umbrella for educational and collaborative experiences from personal, to professional, to political that disrupt and inspire us into living the possibilities of YES. 

Rev. Deborah L. Johnson

Founding Minister & President,
Inner Light Ministries

A premier wisdom teacher in the field of Spiritual Psychology.  She is a much-sought after Spiritual Therapist, speaker, and the best-selling author of The Motherhood Evolution: How Thriving Mothers Raise Thriving Children.  She is an expert in the field of human transformation and has a deep understanding of the nature of spiritual and therapeutic growth to effect profound inner healing.

Rev. Suzi Lula

Spiritual Psychologist & Author

As a staff member of Agape International Spiritual Center, Rev. Jason manages Agape’s prayer ministry and supports the Practitioner Core. In addition to these roles, he serves as the director for Agape’s Sacred Service Ministry. For over nine years, Rev. Jason has facilitated Our Daily Prayer Call, a morning devotional call where people from around the world gather in prayer, affirming Truth.

Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell

Agape Associate Minister & Manager,
Agape Practitioner Core and Prayer Ministry

Assistant Staff Minister at Agape International Spiritual Center and Manager of Agape University. Lead instructor for the Practitioners Studies Program. He has a passion for supporting those who seek to deepen their connection to God through the teachings of New Thought/Ageless Wisdom. He facilitates a monthly meditation community, 21 Day 21 Minutes.

Rev. Carlton Teabout

Agape Assistant Staff Minister &
Manager, Agape University

An impactful spiritual figure in the U.S. and internationally.  She is a woman of passionate power who is committed to assisting individuals in living awakened lives, and the master teacher of intentional living.  She is the author of the transformational book, The Technology of Intention,  she has been awarded the titles of Master Practitioner and Master Teacher at the Agape University.  Kim is a facilitator of Rev. Michael’s The Answer is You program,  Spiritual Liberation, and the lead teacher of Rev. Michael’s work at the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Additionally, Kim is the founder of World As One, a non-profit organization committed to bringing peace principles to children all over the world.

Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova

Spiritual Psychologist & Author

An ordained Agape International Minister and faculty member at Agape University and the Spiritual Director of the Agape East Spiritual Center in Coastal VA. She is a certified yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Ho’Oponopono practitioner, sound healer, inspirational speaker, writer, and spiritual counselor.  Rev. Victoria inspires and empowers through her workshops and classes. She speaks powerfully on a variety of topics such as self-care, addiction and recovery, the shamanic initiation and vocation, conscious parenting, spiritual healing, forgiveness, affirmative prayer, and science and spirituality. For over 12 years she led Agape’s One from the Heart Health & Wholeness Ministry.

Rev. Victoria Thomas

Spiritual Director, Agape East Spiritual Center

                               Email Rev. Carlton Teabout, Mgr., Agape University at  carlton @
